Attributed to Albert Einstein:
"The words or the language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any role in the mechanism of thought..."
from night by A. Alvarez, p171


This is a design for a circular living and working structure that maximizes use of passive solar or other star energy in a climate that is at least comparatively warm in comparison to extremely cold night temperatures.
The structure is circular when closed.  The drawings represent the floorplan.  The structure rests on what could be termed a "lazy-susan" base that supports it and sits within an insulated ring on ground level that elevates it and does not move. The base and structure can turn 360 degrees in either direction in order to face the solar windows towards the light source.  A round metal supporting axis under the center of the building can also tilt the building to compensate for seasonal positioning.
The structure sits on a system of tracks which enables it to unfold in the day and fold in the night.  In some climates the structure could be light enough to fold without mechanical assistance in case of power failure.


The structure is closed.  It is able to open vertically or horizontally.  This is an important point when arranging the furniture. The center circle in this rendering represents the axis under the floor. Solar panels are positioned along all straight lines within the circle.
There should be a door in each wall for easy passage as, you might imagine. 

Design For A Cold Planet


A1 and A2...This is the beginning division as the building opens at first light.  It can be opened in either direction, so don't bother rotating the drawing.  Also, only one person should be allowed access to the control room at a time so the machinery doesn't jam.


B1 of B1 and B2...This drawing represents one half of the building circles as they further open and move apart on circular tracks.
The distance they move apart can be regulated to any extent as long as they don't bump into each other in the process. Employ an engineer with a zany sense of humor if you are on a very distant planet.


The circle represents the floor plan as seen from below. The scrawl says: This foundation can rotate in any direction (360 degrees) to maximaze solar intake from panels and tilt on it's axis to compensate for seasonal changes. It might be a good idea to add an omnistabilizer to each quarter segment if you are going to tilt.

Quantum Gyroscope, just what the doctor ordered:

"quantum gyroscope" so sensitive that it can detect the rotation of the Earth

The rod is attached to the undercarriage of the unit and motorized so that the unit can be mechanically turned. It also suggests the possibility of adjusting the unit's distance from the ground by raising and/or lowering the center column This might be a good idea in case of any weather or other ground condition that might necessitate protecting the unit.

Directly Below:
Suppose you wanted a variation on a theme.
This sketch A shows a floor plan of an expandable unit oriented to a west solar-panel view.  It sits on a circular track ( not shown). Line AB opens, and, as in B,the front solar panels fold together as the much lower illustration shows (keep scrolling, please). The lower illustration B by Madame Origami reveals a folded floor that becomes a fully flat floor once points C and D meet.
The reader must imagine a similar folding panel in the dome wall/ceiling of this "igloo" module that also expands as points C and D meet at the closing of day.
I suppose she will be looking for some new durable flexible metal for this job.
Additionally, Madame thinks that if there is not one aleady, she will devise a mechanism or mechanism(s) that measures the intensity of the sun's heat and/or calculates the angle of the sun's rays (as the sun sets during the day or moves in position during the course of the year) that will automatically adjust the position of the building so that maximum solar energy will be captured while the sun is seen, and, also, as daylight warmth diminishes, the unit will close automatically (by motor or by hand) to conserve the heat gain during the day. In this way, she hopes the solar collector cells stay charged and the system self-perpetuate.


Keep scrolling.  Don't give up.


Keep scrolling.  Don't give up.


Rolling Circle Amplification Spinoffs

Spiral Galaxie M51 looks like...


11 Sarel 2000

Geometric Origami


C1 of C1 and C2...This is one half of the structure completed and facing heat source. The solar arrays are now arranged in line formation.
At the first sign of dropping temperature the structure reverses the process until it is closed again.  The outer material of the building should be the most insulating possible in order not to experience loss of the captured energy.

Invisible City

In The Good Old Summertime

About Pepper
